Functional foods plays a vital and essential nutritional ingredients that has positive effects on host health. These nutrients leads to reduction of disease and controls the immune system. We at Advenza our team adapts recent research and advances in this area and create the nutrient required to client’s needs.
Typically the experts agrees that the function foods are mainly consist of microorganisms and probiotics that are mainly found and used in nutraceuticals and dietary supplements
Our highly qualified team of scientist who are well versed in the forefront of food science and nutrition are under the process of creating premium function foods products that will cater health benefits and suits to your gut health.
This how we carry out the food concepts ideation and manufacture in India. However, although the probiotic market is dominated by fermented dairy products, several screening studies have highlighted the probiotic potential of novel non-human, non-dairy LAB strains and opened new applications beyond dairy products. which leads to propose their future use in the application of functional foods to improve our quality of life. Stay tuned for our up coming products.